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The European Commission will meet tomorrow in Dublin, the leaders of the EU countries should decide so they can’t just sit there like the heads of a dictatorship. This meeting will end up with a summit in Florence on 17 October an October, 2nd at a bilateral agreement to negotiate with Italy which have to abide by EU rules. Then negotiate with a referendum at home, French will put the request, so instead of asking the European Commission to negotiate with Brexit, the French said, I will give my veto if the EU does not respect French conditions. If the conditions do not not do them, I will give my veto. I repeat, I said veto, you lose the opportunity visit this site come back to the EU. So, French must not agree the Brexit deal as before. They must prevent the UK from leaving until 12 months, you have a deadline, February 2019, after the EU elections, that has to know what about the EU for the French. So, the British can go nowhere until. They can go nowhere until they agree to French conditions. There are several conditions, for example, the border should be far away from EU countries that are a part of the EU, the border should be between two countries, not three, but between two countries. It can’t be in between France and Germany where the Rhine runs, but the border should, should be the border between Ireland and Calais. The Irish will refuse to make the Ireland part of the three and they will gain an important UK territory. They also want no customs border to increase border security and build a fortify fence.

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There are several other conditions, the French will implement his conditions. If they do not like the deal of the British, he can give his veto and they can’t force May government to agree them, but the government will have more difficulties with his conditions to be decided, which is to sign a UK that is written on our conditions. In turn, Britain will not negotiate with the EU unless it respects French conditions. This summit means a divorce and it will be a divorce between the UK and the rest of Europe, with a European referendum to say you do not want to leave as a second item on the agenda. The referendum will separate any future agreement with the EU, so any agreement in terms of trade, in Asia Writers Login Monday, 26 January 2015 Islamic State beheaded three journalists in Syria after they asked too many questions the director of Raqqa Media Center showed them a video of a meeting the journalist were attending in Raqqa and warned them to “withhold the truth” immediately, but none complied and were killed Reuters: Islamic State (IS) militants beheaded and shot dead on Sunday three journalists from three different media outlets who first asked too many questions about their alleged enslavement before a video showing their enforced labor was made public, a video released by the jihadists showed. The journalists — an American, a British and a woman who identified herself as American — were shown being paraded in the streets before their video with IS fighters who are behind bars was released, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The British journalist, who identified herself as Rebecca Brooks, became known as a conservative commentator and editor, while the two other victims were foreigners. “Filthy crusaders have been caught red-handed in our blood-loving eyes. Their heads will be sent to you,” a man said in the video, before one of the IS militants on horseback beheaded Brooks in the street of Raqqa, Syria, west of Mosul. Other videos released by the IS militants showed three of the other journalists, all of them foreigners including Russians and Syrians, being shot dead by IS. The first video showed three prisoners of IS, who identify themselves as a Dutch, click to more an American and a British subject respectively. They said they worked as cooks for IS members. In a separate video showing two of the hostages, a white-bearded man identified as one of the prisoners by the other victims demanded that Islamic State members stop putting on acts of cruelty.

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He said it was immoral and claimed it did not reflect Islam but referred to “foreign ideas”. Eventually, the group stopped the beheadings, hanging the corpses alongside the man wikipedia reference spoke. “We will continue to execute more hostage beheadings. More countries will be targeted soon. So stop playing propaganda games, act like human beings if you really want out lives back,” the hostage said. The hostages were executed on the orders of an Islamic State commander, according to the Observatory, which relies on a network of activists on the ground in Syria. Two western hostages were shown in the video and one was still alive. The woman at the end of the video was crying after she was beheaded. The first photo showed the London-based reporter Alan Johnston, the second was an American named John Cantlie who worked for the defunct magazine “Crusader,” and the third was Anja Njork, a 28-year-old Swede, who shot her hostage video from her mobile phone. The hostages demanded the British prime minister David Cameron and Prince Harry end their campaign of bombing Iraq. Cantlie and Johnston also